The Cost of Cigarettes


The cost of cigarettes is higher than you think! Calculate the financial effects of your smoking habit with this simple tool:


Let’s do a quick calculation of the cost of cigarettes. Would you please just answer 2 questions for me:

  • How many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
  • How much does a packet of 20 cigarettes cost where you live?

Fill in the numbers in the table below and see how much you spend every year on cigarettes.



That’s how much you send up in smoke every year (quite literally!).

To put it another way: that is how much money you will save every year for the rest of your life – once you’ve stopped smoking.

And The Stop Smoking Programme is guaranteed to work for you. You’re protected by our unconditional money back guarantee.

And of course, the money you’ll save when you stop smoking isn’t even the main benefit! The main benefits to you are that you’ll

  • feel better
  • look better
  • enjoy better health
  • be more attractive to others
  • eliminate one of the threats to your life expectancy

Don’t forget – on average, smokers lose 10 years of healthy life!*

But if the danger to your health seems too distant … or unreal … or if it just seems like scaremongering …

Think of the Immediate Effects of Smoking on Your Wallet!


And think what you could do with all the money you’ll save when you stop smoking for good!

If you’ve already decided you want to quit smoking you can order The Stop Smoking Programme  by clicking on this link:


Only $47 !



Or get a summary of what’s included in The Stop Smoking Programme by clicking on this link:


“Yes, I’m Going to Stop Smoking!”


If you’re not ready yet, why not just leave your name and email address (if you haven’t already done so) – and I’ll send you a gentle reminder every so often?




*”The experience of the 24,000 men in this study …. shows … Those who continued to smoke lost, on average, about 10 years of life compared with non-smokers …”
(Source: “Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years’ observations on male British Doctors” by R. Doll, R. Peto et al. British Medical Journal 2004: 328: 1519-28)